Plant your Victory Garden 2.0
We may not be at war but with stay at home orders and empty grocery stores, many people are looking to their backyard spaces to grow their own food. Whether you're a seasoned gardener wanting to expand or a beginner, we've got 5 tips to help you get started:
1. Know Your Zone. It is important to know what zone you are in to plant at the appropriate times. You can easily find your zone here. Sign up for personalized planting reminders to receive emails for planting according to your area. Even the back of many seed packs will tell you the optimal planting time for that particular seed.
2. Choose a Location. You will need an area that receives 6+ hours of sun for most plants. How is your dirt? Do you have rich soil or mostly clay? This will determine if you are going to plant in-ground or utilize raised beds and containers. Do you have easy access to water? Be sure to consider these things when selecting where to plant.
3. Decide What to Grow. Do you and your family love tomatoes and carrots? If you're just starting out, focus on planting those. Maybe add a few radishes and lettuce to make your own salads and try something new. Do not plant 6 banana pepper plants if no one in the house will eat them! It will be a waste of time and effort when you could be growing more food in that space your family will enjoy.
4. Order Your Seeds. Many online seed stores are shipping with a delay. Be sure to get your seed order right away. And if it's available, support your local garden stores for seeds and starter plants. Many local stores are offering contactless curbside pickup.
5. Be Fearless. Every year, every garden will be different due a variety of factors, primarily weather and pests. The important thing is to keep trying. Plant what you want where you want. Only have balcony space and love caprese salad? Plant a tomato and basil plant in a container and watch what happens. Try something new and push your limits.
Once you've found your zone, chosen a location, decided what to grow and ordered your plants, you are well on your way to your Victory Garden 2.0. Not only will you be providing healthy, nutritious food for your family, but you will be giving yourself a healthy, rewarding past-time as well.
jose lopez
hola yo estoy comensando una norseria en beasley texsa por fabor quiero comprar arboles pequeños i plantas de 4" y de galon